How to Create a Routine in the Alexa App Using Somfy myLink

A routine for Amazon Alexa allows for your compatible smart home devices to work together in multiple combinations.

In this example, we will show you how to open your Somfy powered shades and turn on the lights with one simple voice command.

Learn how to create a routine by watching the video or reading the instructions below:

BEFORE YOU BEGIN: You will need configured myLink™ and Amazon Alexa apps. The apps are available from iTunes and Google Play.

You will also need to connect your Somfy myLink to the Amazon Alexa app before you can create a routine. Not sure how? No problem, we have a helpful tutorial for you.

In the Alexa app, go the main menu and select routines.

Click on the plus sign in the top right corner.

To set up Alexa voice command, click on the plus sign next to “When this happens” and select Voice.

Enter your wake phrase.

Now let’s add the action, in our case the Somfy powered shades.

To do that, first click on Smart Home and choose from the menu to control a device, group or a scene.

Then set the power on or off depending what you want to happen when you say your phrase. We want the shade to open, so we select power on.

You can add other actions to your routine, for example lights. To do so, click on the plus sign next to Add Action and select device, group or scene.

We want all our smart lights in the kitchen and bathroom to go on at the same time as our shades open, just to make sure it's nice and bright for breakfast.

Your routine is now set! When we say “Alexa, rise and shine” the roller shades in the bedroom will go up and all the lights in the bathroom and kitchen will turn on automatically.

Enjoy creating routines with all your smart home devices and Somfy-powered window treatments.

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